

In 2018, along with other Grupo Salinas Companies, Totalplay was part of the United Nations World Pact, the largest global initiative that promotes corporate sustainability. This innovative action is based on the implementation of 10 principles thatfoster respect to human rights, dignified labor practices, protection of the environment and reject corruption.

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Environmental policies

Totalplay confirms its commitment the environment with its new corporate building that has a Leadership in Energy and Environment Design certification, a classification for green buildings that measures the efficient use of energy, water, materials and use of wastes.

The company also participates in initiatives that take place every year, which benefit the environment, such as “Un Nuevo Bosque”, a day for reforestation, that in 2019, reached more than 7 million new planted trees in 32 cities within Mexico, with the participation of more than 120 thousand volunteers.

Social Policies

For a second year in a row, Totalplay received the recognition as a Socially Responsible Company (Empresa Socialmente Responsable, ESR), an award given by the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI). We are on the way to be granted the certification a Great Place to Work.

With more than 16,400 workers, diversified by gender age and origin, Totalplay is in constant search to offer better working conditions, and technical training for its workers. Additionally, the company offers training courses for financial education (“Aprende y Crece” from Banco Azteca).

Implementation of our volunteer program Totalplay. As part of this program, during 2018, our participants visited different institutions such as Nin~as de la Calle I.A.P and Casa Hogar “Isabel La Católica” Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados.

Great Place To Work

Corporate Governance

In 2019, Totalplay received a recognition by ANCE (Asociación de Normalización y Certificación, A.C.), for gender equility, and no discrimination policies.

Our top key executives sum 240 and represent 2% of our total staff. Our top management has an average age of 44 years and is comprised of independent executives with a proven track record in the industry.

Totalplay confirms its commitment the environment with its new corporate building that has a Leadership in Energy and Environment Design certification, a classification for green buildings that measures the efficient use of energy, water, materials and use of wastes.

The company also participates in initiatives that take place every year, which benefit the environment, such as “Un Nuevo Bosque”, a day for reforestation, that in 2019, reached more than 7 million new planted trees in 32 cities within Mexico, with the participation of more than 120 thousand volunteers.

For a second year in a row, Totalplay received the recognition as a Socially Responsible Company (Empresa Socialmente Responsable, ESR), an award given by the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (CEMEFI). We are on the way to be granted the certification a Great Place to Work.

With more than 16,400 workers, diversified by gender age and origin, Totalplay is in constant search to offer better working conditions, and technical training for its workers. Additionally, the company offers training courses for financial education (“Aprende y Crece” from Banco Azteca).

Implementation of our volunteer program Totalplay. As part of this program, during 2018, our participants visited different institutions such as Nin~as de la Calle I.A.P and Casa Hogar “Isabel La Católica” Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados.

Great Place To Work

In 2019, Totalplay received a recognition by ANCE (Asociación de Normalización y Certificación, A.C.), for gender equility, and no discrimination policies.

Our top key executives sum 240 and represent 2% of our total staff. Our top management has an average age of 44 years and is comprised of independent executives with a proven track record in the industry.

Fundación Azteca

The love we have for our community is one of the clearest values at Grupo Salinas. This is reflected in our social commitment programs, through Fundación Azteca, a non-profit organization dedicated to improve health, nutrition, education and the environment in the communities where it is operated.

This organization is one of our most powerful tools to make our values a reality. Instead of offering charity we give the community tools to improve their way of life. Since 1997, we have contributed to improve the lives of thousands of people, connecting people with their wishes, helping organizations with good causes and at the same time, connecting the current problems of our society.

Plantel Azteca
Fundación Azteca

In all the places we have reached, we aim to make a change to improve the society. We do it with passion, honesty, and trust, this is basis of the fundamental values of our companies.

Fundación Azteca operates more than 40 initiatives and social programs in the USA, and Latin America.

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